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Accommodation ladders and gangways:

By following the IMO MSC Circ. 1331 we can assist in this either: inspection (annual and / or 5 yearly), repair and load testing. Each 5 year the equipment needs to be operationally tested with the specific maximum operational load of the ladder/gangway. Winch brake system, power supply and remote-control system to be examined and operational load tested with the specific maximum operational load of the ladder.

In case of need deflection test either, all according class rules and requirements which can be achieved easily with waterbag equipment.

Accommodation ladders, gangways with their fittings or structures for means of access all following the SOLAS I/7 and I/8.

Pilot ladders:

Pilot transfer arrangements according MSC Circ 1428 (A 27/Res. 1045).

Each ladder shall be subjected to the ladder and step attachment strength test at approximately 30-month intervals. Each ladder which fails the test shall be rebuilt or scrapped.